Let's celebrate 25 years of Sonic the Hedgehog!
Speeding Towards Adventures: 25 Years of Sonic the Hedgehog is the 62nd FREE community arrangement album from OverClocked ReMix and arranges the music from the entire Sonic the Hedgehog series. Speeding Towards Adventures features 23 tracks arranged by 30 artists to celebrate more than 25 years of Sonic the Hedgehog and was released on June 22, 2017.
Director Comments Zone
Director: Black_Doom (Stepan Sudilovskiy)
Sonic has always been my favorite video game series. It has always meant a lot to me. The fast-paced addictive gameplay, vivid stages, and, of course, catchy music made my first experience of diving into the Sonic universe one of the most important events of my childhood. Then I started to learn more and more about Sonic the Hedgehog games. They were all amazing to explore, but the music remained the most memorable part of this entertainment. A few years later I started to look for the soundtracks on the Internet and downloaded almost every album existing at that time. I was listening to them on a daily basis, and I was listening to nothing but this music - that's how obsessed I was with it!
In the middle of 2012 I came across a remix of the Special Stage theme from S3&K - Red Sphere, Blue Sphere" by Ben Briggs. Apparently I had to head over to the Project Chaos website, grab the whole album and listen to it. This experience changed my life drastically - the idea of giving all-time favorite video game music a completely new life impressed me lot. I also discovered the album Temporal Duality that was in development, and ultimately that album inspired me to start this album!
My vision for this project was to be simple: I wanted to cover as many games as possible as well as to represent a variety of musical genres to represent the variety of Sonic's journeys. The project immediately started to gather attention from a lot of people. Not surprising at all, given how popular the Blue Blur is. And once I understood that I needed some help, since the project was not going fast enough. This is where I asked Jorito to step in and to direct the album along with me. From that moment the project started to develop with immense speed. I just don't have enough words to express my gratitude - he helped me so much! Also, big thanks to Odai for such vivid art, big thanks to the Sega composers, who played a big role and my life, and finally big thanks to all the musicians who contributed to this outstanding album!
Director: Jorito (Jorrith Schaap)
Even though I have been part of this album for quite a while as a remixer, it was pretty late that I joined as an album co director. And I'm glad I did, because it was an exciting and interesting experience to witness the creation of an album from 'the other side'! Since I'm no expert on things Sonic-related, I have to give mad props to Stepan for defining the vision for the project and doing a lot of the prep work that set things in motion and Odai for really capturing the Sonicness of Sonic. I was happy to be able to contribute some of my 'get stuff done' skills, and helping guide the album and all the people who collaborated towards the final product was a blast. I'm proud of the final result and I'm sure you'll enjoy the album as much as I did!
Download Zone
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Mirror #1 Mirror #2 Mirror #3Music Zone
1-01 - Gotta Start from Somewhere
- Arranged by: Jorito feat. Trev Wignall, Hank "The Spank Tank" Jankerson, The Nikanoru
- Source: Sonic the Hedgehog - "Title", "Invincibility", Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - "Title"
1-02 - Speeding Towards Adventure
- Arranged by: Jorito feat. Final Kingdom, Tuberz McGee, Furilas, Azzykay316
- Source: Sonic the Hedgehog - "Green Hill Zone"
1-03 - Siilin melankolia
- Arranged by: Eino Keskitalo
- Source: Sonic the Hedgehog (GG) - "Bridge Zone", "Green Hill Zone"
1-04 - My Frozen Gallery
- Arranged by: Marvin Valentin
- Source: Sonic Lost World - "Frozen Factory - Zone 1"
1-05 - Trouble in Watertown
- Arranged by: YamaYama
- Source: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - "Hydrocity Zone: Act 2"
1-06 - Hedgehog Elimination Engine
- Arranged by: DusK
- Source: Sonic & Knuckles - "Boss"
1-07 - The Power of Choices
- Arranged by: Sterlyng Powell
- Source: Sonic Advance 3 - "Options"
1-08 - The Long War
- Arranged by: zykO
- Source: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - "Oil Ocean Zone"
1-09 - Electromotive Skyforce
- Arranged by: WillRock
- Source: Sonic & Knuckles - "Flying Battery Zone: Act 1", "Flying Battery Zone: Act 2"
1-10 - Zero Unit's Remaining
- Arranged by: Unknown Alias
- Source: Sonic Adventure - "Theme of 'E-102γ'"
2-01 - Never Fear the Fall
- Arranged by: Pl511
- Source: Sonic the Hedgehog (XB360) - "His World ~Theme of Sonic the Hedgehog~", Mega Man 9 - "Galaxy Fantasy (Galaxy Man Stage)", Sonic the Hedgehog - "Green Hill Zone"
2-02 - The Path Less Trampled
- Arranged by: Audiocolor
- Source: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - "Competition Menu", "File Select"
2-03 - By the Seaside
- Arranged by: Tuberz McGee
- Source: Sonic Heroes - "Stage 01 : Seaside Hill"
2-04 - Chemical Fusion
- Arranged by: jnWake
- Source: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - "Chemical Plant Zone"
2-05 - Minecart Adventures
- Arranged by: Faseeh, Jorito feat. Joshua Taipale
- Source: Sonic Rush Adventure - "Coral Cave (Act 1)"
2-06 - Underwater Jog
- Arranged by: Bowlerhat feat. audio fidelity
- Source: Sonic Colors - "Aquarium Park - Act 1"
2-07 - Of Cruelty and Mustache
- Arranged by: Sbeast
- Source: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - "Robotnik Battle"
2-08 - Pax Eggmanica -Sear & Reave-
- Arranged by: HeavenWraith
- Source: Sonic the Hedgehog - "Scrap Brain Zone"
2-09 - Skabotnik
- Arranged by: Chernabogue feat. Furilas, Tuberz McGee, Hank "The Spank Tank" Jankerson
- Source: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - "Final Boss"
2-10 - The Light at the End
- Arranged by: KingTiger
- Source: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - "Ending"
Artists Zone
Artwork Zone
About OverClocked ReMix
Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans.
OCRは1999年に創立されて、ゲーム音楽への感謝、保存、演出に専念するための組織です。OCRの主要な活動は ocremix.org で見つかるインターネットサイト。このサイトに数百のゲーム音楽好きに作られたリミックスのMP3と、ゲームの音楽と作曲家の情報と、音楽家を熱望している人のための供給源と、にぎやかなゲーム音楽のファンがいっぱいいます。